Are you a ‘caffeiniac?’

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There are many beneficial reasons to drink coffee.

There are also a number of people who will always keep telling you it’s bad for your health.

Solution? “Moderation.” And you’re all good.

The following are some research-based reasons of coffee’s health benefits “when taken in moderation”:

Cuts the pain
Two cups of coffee can cut post-workout muscle pain by up to 48 percent. (The Journal of Pain)

Increases fiber intake
A cup of brewed coffee represents a contribution of up to 1.8 grams of fiber of the recommended intake of 20-38 grams. (The Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry)

Protection against liver cirrhosis
Of course, you could just cut down on the alcohol intake. (The Archives of Internal Medicine)

Another more recent study also showed coffee’s liver protecting benefits. Yet another study showed that both coffee and decaffeinated coffee lowered the liver enzyme levels of coffee drinkers. (The Hepatology Journal)

Lowered risk of Type 2 Diabetes
Those who consumed 6 or more cups per day had a 22 percent lower risk of diabetes. (The Archives of Internal Medicine). A recent review of research conducted by Harvard’s Dr. Frank Hu showed that the risk of type II diabetes decreases by 9 percent for each daily cup of coffee consumed. Decaf coffee decreased risk by 6 percent per cup.

Lowered risk of Alzheimer’s disease
There is considerable evidence that caffeine may protect against Alzheimer’s disease. (The European Journal of Neurology)

Reduces suicide risk and depression
A 10-year study of 86,000 female nurses shows a reduced risk of suicide in the coffee drinkers. (The Archives of Internal Medicine)

Another study conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health found that women who drink 4 or more cups of coffee were 20 percent less likely to suffer from depression.

 Protection against Parkinson’s
People with Parkinson’s disease are less likely to be smokers and coffee drinkers than their healthy siblings. Just make sure you don’t get lung cancer on the way. (The Archives of Neurology)

Even newer research out of Sweden revealed that drinking coffee reduces the risk of Parkinson’s even when genetic factors come into play.

Coffee drinkers have less risk of heart disease.

Korean researchers found that study participants who consumed 3 to 5 cups of coffee a day were less likely to show the beginning signs of heart disease.

 Coffee drinkers have stronger DNA.

A study published in the European Journal of Nutrition showed that coffee drinkers have DNA with stronger integrity since the white blood cells of coffee drinkers had far less instance of spontaneous DNA strand breakage.

 Lower risk of multiple sclerosis

Recent research showed that at least 4 cups of coffee a day may help protect against the development and reoccurrence of MS. It is believed that the coffee prevents the neural inflammation that possibly leads to the disease developing. (The Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry)

Coffee reduces colorectal cancer risk

Even moderate consumption of coffee can reduce the odds of developing colorectal cancer by 26 percent. This protective benefit increases with more consumption.

For most people, coffee can be a healthy part of the diet and there is no reason to not enjoy a couple cups a day unless you can’t control your consumption.

Caffeine Informer claims that coffee may not be beneficial for everyone especially for those with certain heart conditions, caffeine sensitivity, and women who are pregnant. Tip: Stick to decaf or tea.

The key is “moderation” to get the coffee health benefits and avoid the negative issues associated with too much caffeine intake./PN



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