Energy conservation

THE RISE in the prices of oil, electricity, commodities and everything else is a huge challenge for most Filipino families and businesses who are still reeling from the impact of COVID-19 pandemic. Our reliance on fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas makes us less protected from the effects of global ups and downs, including Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and its impact on oil prices.

With prices soaring and incomes stationary, many Filipino families will need to further tighten their belts to make ends meet.  One way of cutting back on spending during these difficult times is by reducing our consumption of electricity.  And to save on electricity and money during the summer season, households, offices and business establishments should implement energy conservation measures.

By the way, saving electricity in every way possible will not only lower monthly bills, but also help in reducing fossil fuel pollution that is wrecking our climate.

What can be done?

Switch off lights and unplug appliances and devices when not in use or after use. Don’t leave your mobile phone plugged in overnight; unplug the charger when the battery is fully charged.

Convert to energy-efficient and mercury-free light-emitting diode (LED) lights; ensure safe storage and disposal of fluorescent lamp waste. Use low wattage lights in areas where bright lights are not necessary. Keep lights and light fittings clean to improve illumination.

Open the windows and draw back the curtains to let the light in; maximize daylight usage. Use fans instead of air-conditioners as much as possible. Use the air-conditioner sparingly, set the temperature at about 25 degrees Celsius, and keep dust filters and condenser coils clean.

Put leftover food on top of newly-cooked rice to warm it instead of using a stove, toaster or microwave.

Clean your fridge, defrost regularly, turn temperature down, do not overload, and leave enough room around the top and back to let the heat escape. Refrain from keeping the refrigerator door open longer than necessary, check the gaskets and make sure the door shuts tightly to avoid cooling loss.

Organize cleaning, cooking, ironing, washing and other chores more efficiently and with less frequency.

Wait for a full load before running the washing machine; wash manually if possible. Use just the right amount of detergent to avoid extra rinsing that will require more water and electricity; make use of the hot summer air for drying clothes. Iron clothes in bulk or opt not to iron at all.

Aside from observing these “kuryentipid” tips, environmental watchdog EcoWaste Coalition likewise urges the public to support the phase-out of fossil fuels and society’s transition to renewable energy sources for a sustainably powered future. This is the long-term goal – tap renewable energy.


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