More love for moms

MOMS are one of the most incredible individuals on the planet. They are our friend, nurse, playmate, teacher, fashion coordinator, chef, driver, dance partner and so much more.  It really hard to imagine how much they have given themselves to us our entire lives. From sacrificing her own body for nine months to carry the baby from its tiniest fetus form to over 7 to 8 pounds.  Then they endure hours of pain during labor and childbirth.  And it doesn’t end there. Mothers spend countless nights losing sleep to care for their crying baby.  And for years after they continue to care take of our everyday needs.

If you, the husband, son, or daughter, say thank you to the woman who continues to take care of you and your family. Read the rest of the article and find out how you can take care of her for change.  If she hasn’t read this article yet, share it with her.

If you are a mom, read on.  This article might change your life for the better. You have always been selfless, sharing everything you have with your family, spending all the time you have with your family and for your family.  But this time try to be a little selfish.  Just a little.

Because of your busy schedule, you and many other moms may have forgotten about “self-care”.  It’s true that time is a precious commodity for a mother.  Most of the time, there seems to be so little of it for a busy mother juggling between the family, home and work.  And having the time for self-care is often at the bottom of your priorities.

But without self-care, you might be doing more harm than good.  It’s easy to get over exhaustion – physically and mentally. But that could lead to depression, irritability, and outbursts of anger.  You need to learn to love yourself and then you can multiply that love for your family.  So it’s really important to take a few moments for yourself to take care of yourself.  Here are a few tips to help you out.

  1. Dishwashing and laundry aren’t counted as exercise.  Rather, take a walk around your neighborhood.  Or jog.  Join those community Zumba sessions.  Move your body and sweat it out.  Exercise is a great way to dispel mental exhaustion and its good for your body.
  2. Boost your brain. You don’t want to let your brain turn to mush.  So stay sharp mentally and stimulate your mind with a good book. Do the crossword or other brain games.    Start a personal journal or blog or even start painting or sketching.
  3. Reward yourself with your favorite things. You deserve it.  Be honest.  Take a long bath. Or plan a spa day.  Give yourself a facial.  Or even just buy your favorite flowers or chocolate.  You have to remind yourself that life is good.
  4. Do something new and unexpected. You have to break your routine sometimes. So pick up a new hobby.  Or plan a road trip and visit a new destination.  Try a new restaurant or try eating exotic food.  You can even try go-carting or indoor climbing.  Do something you have never done before.
  5. Make time to see friends. Friends are an effective mood booster and a convenient escape from stress.  So schedule a breakfast date with your barkada or go window shopping.  See a movie or just have coffee with them.  If they are also moms like you they would be the best people to understand what you are going through.

The last one may be a tough one.  Maybe the toughest of them all.

You need to eat healthy.  Its vital to have a healthy and balanced diet of lean meats, fish, vegetables, fruits and whole grains can make all the difference.  A healthy body make a healthy mind.  And a healthy mind makes a healthier outlook on life.  For busy and tired mothers, fish is an excellent source of fish oil or the heart healthy Omega 3 fatty acids and coenzyme Q10 or CoQ10.

Omega 3 is associated with several heart healthy benefits, such as reducing the risk of high blood pressure, sudden cardiac death and stroke.  Plus, Omega 3 fatty acids increases the production of healthy cholesterol in your blood.

Coenzyme Q10 is a vitamin-like substance that plays a key role in energy production. In addition, lack of CoQ10 are often seen in elderly patients as well as those with heart conditions, muscular dystrophy, Parkinson’s disease, cancer, and diabetes.  Many studies have shown that patients with heart failure and hypertension improve when CoQ10 is administered in addition to conventional therapies.

For those without the luxury of time nor resource to prepare fish often, there is Nutrawell CoQ10 + Fish Oil.  Your convenient and affordable source CoQ10 and Fish Oil available in all Generika Drugstore branches nationwide. Nutrawell CoQ10 + Fish Oil supplement is perfect for mothers who have the biggest hearts in the world.

So while you take care of yourself and your family, Nutrawell CoQ10 + Fish Oil can take care of your heart./PN


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