Treñas rebuffs Chinese consul: China’s evidence in WPS ‘mere imagination’

Mayor Treñas is seen in this file photo with Zhang Zhen, Consul General of the People's Republic of China in Cebu, during the Chinese New Year grand cultural show on Isnart Street. ARNOLD ALMACEN/Iloilo City Mayor's Office
Mayor Treñas is seen in this file photo with Zhang Zhen, Consul General of the People's Republic of China in Cebu, during the Chinese New Year grand cultural show on Isnart Street. ARNOLD ALMACEN/Iloilo City Mayor's Office


ILOILO City – Mayor Jerry P. Treñas yesterday rebuffed the statement of a Chinese consul who labeled the arbitral award of the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) at The Hague in 2016 as “illegal, null, and void.”

In a statement,  Treñas said the claim of Zhang Zhen, Consul General of the People’s Republic of China in Cebu, seemed “not to appear undiplomatic” although the he said he does not want to contradict her. 

“Unfortunately for her, I do not at all agree to her statements. The arbitral judgment in favor of the Philippines is supported by evidence while that of China is mere imagination,” said Treñas.

In a press conference during her visit to Iloilo City for the Chinese New Year, Zhen downplayed the tribunal’s arbitral award to the Philippines and that China “has and will never accept it.”

“China’s rights and interests in the territorial claim in the South China Sea are deeply grounded in the historical facts and the international law,” Zhen told reporters.

Zhen also provided the media with a 41-page press briefer outlining China’s legal and historical evidence on the key waterway “to get to the root of the issue and set the record straight.”

The briefer states that China adheres to settling the maritime dispute through “negotiation” and “peaceful consultation” with the other countries having territorial disputes with Beijing.

In 2016, the international tribunal upheld the Philippines’ sovereign rights and jurisdiction in its exclusive economic zone (EEZ) in the West Philippine Sea, or known as Scarborough Shoal.

The PCA, a non-United Nations international organization based in The Hague, Netherlands, ruled that China’s claim of historic rights to resources within its so-called nine-dash line had no basis in law.

Various groups have been advocating asserting the Philippines’ sovereign rights in the West Philippine Sea following the 2016 Hague ruling.

Among those who actively advocate for enforcing the Arbitral Award is retired Supreme Court Associate Justice Francis Jardeleza, who is a native of Iloilo City.

In 2021, Jardeleza wrote a letter urging former President Rodrigo Duterte to certify as urgent Republic Act 9522, or the Philippine Maritime Features of the West Philippine Sea Act, to enforce the arbitral award that the Philippines won in its West Philippine Sea disputes with China.

The proposed baseline law aims to specifically name and identify the maritime features in the West Philippine Sea claimed or occupied by the country. Jardeleza said the proposed law will amend Republic Act 9522, the current baseline law.

Jardeleza stressed the urgency in passing the bill which he labeled as “the most inexpensive and yet most effective means of enforcing the Arbitral Award and strengthening our territorial and maritime rights in the West Philippine Sea.”

Duterte had his office review the proposal by the Office of the Executive Secretary’s legal office on the proposed amendments to RA 9522./PN


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