VIEWPOINTS | Away with the Death Penalty Bill

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IT IS A definite and defined period.  It is an endless ending.  It is abrogative not only of today but of tomorrow as well.  

This is nothing less than death in the realm of Natural Law – without necessarily denying the reality of the hereafter and the beyond.  Such is death in the temporal order – without automatically doing away with the truth of the supernal sphere.  

In other words, doing away with the life of someone is in effect cancelling his/her  being which is equal to doing away with his/her one and only life here and now.

There are some very basic truths about human life.  While someone can take it away through different ways and means, absolutely no one can give it to himself/herself no matter how, no matter when and where.  

So it is that as life comes from others – a man and a woman as one – no one may take it away from himself/herself – through the irrational act of suicide.  He/She is not its origin of life but merely its recipient.

Much less may the State take it away through death penalty for the following simple and basic reasons:  The State does not give life to anyone.  So why may it take life away from anybody through the terminal penalty of death?  

In fact, the State becomes an existent reality precisely because the living want and wherefore establish it, support and care for it their own common good, their public welfare.   If the State is by the people, of the people, what gives it the right to kill people through the death penalty?

So it is that the more civilized people are, the more humane their State becomes, the more the death penalty  emerges de jure or de facto something taboo – such as in the following countries the world over:

Albania.  Algeria.  Andorra.  Argentina.  Armenia.  Australia.  Austria.  Azerbaijan.  Belgium.  Benin.  Bolivia.  Bhutan.  Bosnia-Herzegovina.  Bulgaria.  Burundi.  Burkina Faso.  Brazil.  Brunei.  Cambodia.  Cameroon.  Canada.  Cape Verde.  Central African Republic.  Colombia.  Congo (Republic).  Cook Islands.  Costa Rica.  Cote d’ivoire. Chile.  Croatia.  Cyprus.  Czech Republic.  Denmark.  Djibouti.  Dominican Republic.  Ecuador.  El Salvador.  Estonia.  Eritrea.  Finland.  Fiji.  France.  Gabon.  Ghana.  Georgia.  Germany.  Greece.  Grenada.  Guinea.  Bissau.  Haiti.  Honduras.  Hungary.  Iceland.  Ireland.  Israel.  Italy.  Kazakhstan. Kenya.  Korea, South.  Kyrgyzstan.  Kiribati.  Latvia.  Laos.  Liberia.  Liechtenstein.  Lithuania.  Luxembourg.  Macedonia.  Malta.  Mexico.  Micronesia.  Moldova.  Monaco.  Montenegro.  Mongolia.  Morocco.  Myanmar.  Mozambique.  Namibia.  Nauru.  Netherlands.  New Zealand.  Niger.  Nicaragua.  Niue.  Norway.  Papua New Guinea.  Palau.  Panama.  Paraguay.  Peru.  PHILIPPINES.  Poland.  Portugal.  Romania.  Russia.  Rwanda.  Samoa.  San Marino.  Sao Tome and Principe.  Senegal.  Serbia.  Seychelles.  Sierra Leone.   Slovakia.  Slovenia.  Solomon Islands.  South Africa.  Spain.  Sri Lanka.  Suriname.  Swaziland.  Sweden.  Switzerland.  Tajikistan.  Tanzania.  Timor-Leste.  Togo.  Tonga.  Turkey.  Turkmenistan.  Tuvalu.  Tunisia.  Ukraine.  United Kingdom.  Uruguay.  Uzbekistan.  Vanuatu.  Vatican City.  Venezuela.  Zambia.

Death penalty in the Philippines?  No please!/PN





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