Be the Change

I YIELD my space to my daughter Rose Penelope L. Yee who is the Chief Executive Officer of Green Retirement, Inc., a certified B Corporation. Green Retirement is a financial firm offering socially and environmentally responsible and fossil-free investing in retirement plans.

B Corporations are companies that have met standards of social and environmental responsibility, recognize multi-stakeholder interest, and work towards an economy with shared and durable prosperity for all. 



Our Formula for Change can be used to change anything in your life or world.

Step 1 – Notice: Wake up and notice what’s happening in the world.

Step 2 – Choose: Once you decide to get involved, think about your list of options and alternatives for dealing with the situation. Take your time and choose the course of action you believe will best serve everyone involved.

Step 3 – Act: Now, take action! Now is your time to “Be the Change!”

Why Be the Change?

It’s good for you and the world. Our world is experiencing an empathy crisis. Every day we learn of racism, bullying, suicide, war and other forms of violence and oppression. For many of us, we’re left feeling fearful and alone, wondering if we can make a difference.

Be the Change Movement provides an immediate, easy and powerful way to make the world a better place.

By committing to do one intentional Act of Change per day in service of others, you are already creating ripples of kindness. As you share about your experience, you can challenge others to join you and inspire even more people through the gift of your hope and humanity. You’ll immediately experience the fulfillment of making a difference and know that you matter.

Anyone can join the Movement by committing to be in service to others and the world.

What do we create when we Be the Change?

* We liberate ourselves from the self-imposed limitations of our minds.

* We create peace and connection from the inside out.

* We turn our pain into power. We replace hopelessness and fear with kindness, compassion and the actions that create the world of our dreams.

Examples of Acts of Change

Because we are all valuable parts of our human family, contributions to ourselves can be some of the most significant Acts of Change. Remember, we must love ourselves before we can love others. Here are some additional ways to Be the Change:

* Hug a friend

* Tell the truth

* Hold the door for someone

* Carry groceries

* Tip generously

* Write thank you letters to people you love

* Visit a friend or relative you haven’t seen for a while

* Let someone in on the freeway

* Pick up litter

* Pay the toll for someone behind you

* Buy coffee for the person behind you

* Stop smoking

* Create a special meal for your family

* Enroll others in Be the Change Movement

* Give someone the gift of really listening to them

* Share your If You Really Knew Me and invite them to share theirs

* Call just to say “I love you”

* …add your own!  The list is endless!


What do you say, dear reader? We all can Be the Change for a better world. (


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