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[av_heading heading=’PAVIA’S SCARY FEST
Town holds annual Tigkaralag event ‘ tag=’h3′ style=’blockquote modern-quote’ size=” subheading_active=’subheading_below’ subheading_size=’15’ padding=’10’ color=” custom_font=”]

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ILOILO City – It is that time of the year again – kids in creepy masks, people with made up blood stains, and teenagers dressed as engkantos go out of the streets in Pavia town, Iloilo to represent their barangays in the annual Tigkaralag Festival.
They parade in their creatively and resourcefully put together costumes, with their faces in character, as they prepare to perform routines to impress the judges and take home the much-coveted title. Their performances are mostly made up of scary stories that are famous in the province – kids being “kidnapped” by lamang lupas, a manananggal about to devour a pregnant woman, aswangs that run after children.
This year, 25 years since the festival was born, the event gathered the biggest performances. Barangay Balabag dominated the competition, followed by Barangay Tigum at 2nd place and Barangay Aganan at 3rd place.
Special awards were given to the following barangays:
*Most Disciplined team – Barangay Tigum
*Best in Music – Barangay Aganan
*Best in Costume – Barangay Balabag
*Best in Performance – Barangay Balabag
*Best in Choreography – Barangay Balagag
Pavia town mayor Michael Gorriceta and other officials graced the event./PN




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