That poem, ‘Coping’

I DON’T know if I have shared this brave, sad poem before, but this is prompted by Facebook memory from five years ago:



by Peter Solis Nery

He is coping the best he can

This man I know who was always so brave

So strong, so capable, and independent

Pardon his unshaven face

His languidness and indolence

His sudden outbursts of tears

Because it doesn’t get easier

Especially on this, his first winter

He sees the other pillow on the bed

And a knife skewers his heart

He cries, and wails, and covers his mouth

With the pillow, but he copes

He is coping as best he can

So he missed a discount at the store

Paid much more for the car’s oil change

But at least he gets some things done

He grasps the box of cereals at the grocery

And puts it right back on the shelf

Nobody eats cereals at home anymore

He cooks dinner, and sets the table for two

But he doesn’t eat the way he does—with gusto

He nibbles, he eats and he copes

He is coping as best he can

Because this man is brave, and strong

And capable.


I reposted it online because I really felt it is a powerful poem.

But back to our regular programming:


If you can’t help but compare your life with others, compare it with the poor and unfortunate, not with the rich and famous.

Then, maybe you will learn to be truly grateful, and less selfish.

E, ano ngayon kung hindi ako nagpapaderma?

Natural ang mukha ko, at sa totoo lang, mas marami naman ang bobo sa mundo.

Imbes na ipaderma, iabuloy ko na lang.


I let people shine (their own light).

I also want to shine (my own light).

I want the world to be full of many shiny (and shining) lights.


My goal is to make people happy.

If someone makes me happy, my goal is to make them even happier.


Do not wait until terminal illness like cancer forces you to seize the day.

Live extraordinarily today, and everyday of your life.


There is a joy in instant gratification after a lifetime of delayed gratification.

I like being 50+, and getting what I want.


Donate without being embarrassed that you are not giving enough.

It’s better than not helping someone out.


And on some writing project that is slowing me down with the publisher’s requirements:

I know I’m the right guy for the job.

I’m just not sure if it is the right job for me. (


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