There’s still hope for ‘transgenders’

FOR YEARS now when it became trendy and fashionable to come out as gay, lesbian or whatever “gender” you fancy yourself to be that falls under the LGBTQ spectrum, the main narrative is that they were born that way, a natural product of nature.

The main argument is that they were born with a specific gene that makes them what they are and they are not abominations or biological anomalies but born to be that way.

Simply put, they claim they’re what nature intended them to be – as natural as a man who takes a piss standing up while a woman does it sitting down. Of course that happens because nature gave a man or a woman specific sex organs with specific functions; but then again stranger things have happened.

And it seems to be going their way as some people are saying that perhaps there really is a third sex and maybe some are indeed born gay.

Well, that is until recently this came up and completely demolished that narrative (excerpts from an Aug. 29, 2019 article in

Massive study finds no single genetic cause of same-sex sexual behavior

Analysis of half a million people suggests genetics may have a limited contribution to sexual orientation.

Few aspects of human biology are as complex — or politically fraught — as sexual orientation. A clear genetic link would suggest that gay people are “born this way,” as opposed to having made a lifestyle choice. Yet some fear that such a finding could be misused “cure” homosexuality, and most research teams have shied away from tackling the topic.

Now, a new study claims to dispel the notion that a single gene or handful of genes make a person prone to same-sex behavior. The analysis, which examined the genomes of nearly half a million men and women, found that although genetics are certainly involved in who people choose to have sex with; there are no specific genetic predictors.

When the researchers looked at the overall genetic similarity of individuals who had had a same-sex experience, genetics seemed to account for between eight and 25 percent of the behavior. The rest was presumably a result of environmental or other biological influences.

Despite the associations, the authors say that the genetic similarities still cannot show whether a given individual is gay. “It’s the end of the ’gay gene,’” says Eric Vilain, a geneticist at Children’s National Health System in Washington, D.C., who was not involved in the study.

It simply means that being gay or whatever “gender” you identify yourself to be is the result of environmental or biological influences and not a specific gene, meaning it’s just a lifestyle choice.

And that completely shattered the narrative that they were born gay; you’re gay because you chose to be one.

You might not even be gay but just a naïve highly impressionable trendy social climber desperately seeking attention.

But don’t despair as all is not lost. There is still a chance albeit a very slim one; perhaps it might be improbable but certainly not impossible that the woman trapped inside a man’s body or a man trapped inside a woman’s body can still come out and be what they truly believe and identify themselves to be.

I’ll just park this:

Sequential hermaphroditism (called dichogamy in botany) is a type of hermaphroditism that occurs in many fishgastropods, and plants. Sequential hermaphroditism occurs when the individual changes its sex at some point in its life. In particular, a sequential hermaphrodite produces eggs (female gametes) and sperm (male gametes) at different stages in life. Species that can undergo these changes from one sex to another do so as a normal event within their reproductive cycle that is usually cued by either social structure or the achievement of a certain age or size.

And a hermaphrodite is a person or animal having both male and female sex organs and other sexual characteristics, either abnormally or (in the case of some organisms) as the natural condition.

If you are born with both female and male sexual organs it is considered abnormal in humans but normal and natural in some animals or organisms.

The perfect example are Groupers; they are commonly known as Lapu-Lapu, an expensive and quite popular fish and a favourite usually served steamed or fried in sweet and sour  or white sauce.

A Lapu- Lapu is usually born female and at a certain stage changes into male or vice versa without the benefit of a sex change surgery.

Thus a Lapu-Lapu changing from female to male or vice versa is as natural as nature intended it to be.

Now if this would only happen to humans there would be no need for a sex change surgery or have a problem with toilets.

Perhaps if the likes of Greg Diez a.k.a. Gretchen Diez would pray hard enough and have prayovers with Fr. Robert Reyes and Archbishop Socrates Villegas, then maybe Stan Lee will grant them the superpower to change sex at will. (


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