VIEWPOINTS | UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights

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Saturday, May 20, 2017

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THE UNITED Nations represents countries and peoples the world over.  

More.  The United Nations affirms and promotes the rights of individuals and communities living in the four corners of the globe.  

Foremost. The United Nations expressly and formally lists down the key human rights of all peoples all over the world in terms of a Declaration, i.e., a Proclamation, a Statement, an Affirmation.  

This means among other things that the human rights listed down by nonetheless than the United Nations are premised on the inherent dignity of every human person based on Natural Law, Reason and Ethics – irrespective of a person’s race, color and creed.  Thus are they:


Right to Life, Liberty and Security.

Right to Freedom, to Equality of Dignity and Rights.

Right to be free from Slavery or Servitude.

Right to Freedom from Torture and Inhuman Treatment.

Right to Recognition everywhere as a Person before the Law.

Right to Equality before the Law.

Right to Remedy before National Tribunals.

Right to non-Arbitrary Arrest, Detention, or Exile.

Right Fair Trial.

Right to be Presumed Innocent until proven Guilty.

Right to non-Arbitrary Interference in Privacy.

Right to Freedom of Movement and Residence.

Right to Seek Asylum in other Countries.

Right to a Nationality and to Change it.

Right to Marry and found a Family.

Right to own Property alone and in Association with Others.

Right to Freedom of Thought, Conscience and Religion.

Right to Freedom of Opinion and Expression.

Right to Freedom of Peaceful Assembly and Association.

Right to take part in the Government of One’s Country.

Right to Social Security.

Right to Work.

Right to Rest and Leisure.

Right to a Standard Way of Living.

Right to Education.

Right to Participate in the Cultural Life of the Community.

Right to Social and International Order.

Right to Free and Full Development of Personality.

Right to not Engage in any Act destructive of the Rights of Others.


After all the above categorical pronouncements made in terms of human rights as officially proclaimed by nothing less than the United Nations, some questions that come to fore are the following – concretely as far as the Philippines is concerned and merely in conjunction with the Right to Life, Liberty and Security: Precisely, ground reality says that life is cheap, that liberty is for the powerful and that security is for the wealthy.

Would that such perception were altogether false, viz., that life is precious, that liberty and security are for all the Filipinos.  

People may dream, can’t they?/PN






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