The Dangers of DEET

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[av_heading heading=’The Dangers of DEET’ tag=’h3′ style=’blockquote modern-quote’ size=” subheading_active=’subheading_below’ subheading_size=’15’ padding=’10’ color=” custom_font=”][/av_heading]

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N, N-DIETHYL-META-TOLUAMIDE (DEET) is known to repel insects and mosquitoes, which is why it is used as a primary ingredient in bug sprays, coils and other insect repellents. There’s little doubt as to its effectiveness, but is it safe for human health?
Research suggests that DEET does not pose a threat to people’s health, particularly if the instructions for the repellant are diligently followed. However, if DEET were overused, health and environmental concerns may appear.
The good news is that there is an insect repellent that can help you avoid insects and mosquitoes without having to worry about the effects of DEET. This repellant is the Strike Multi-Insect Killer Spray, a safe and effective water-based insecticide that disperses easily without leaving stains on any surface where it has been used.
Strike Multi-Insect Killer Spray is made from a triple fast killing action formula, which has been proven to kill up to 50 mosquitoes in 10 minutes (A local clinical study shows that Strike Multi-Insect Killer Spray provides a fast insect knockdown – within 10 minutes all 50 mosquitoes under the experimental set-up were immobile – mainly because of its triple action formula.)
Additionally, the Strike Multi-Insect Killer Spray also has a refreshing orange scent, very low toxicity, and is eco-friendly, which means that it does not contain a harmful substance Chlorofluorocarbon, a substance that is harmful to humans, pets, plants and the environment. More importantly, this spray is also affordable and budget friendly compared to other brands.
Finally, it’s worth mentioning that there are several Strike variants to choose from. The Strike Coil Mosquito Repellent, for example, is very easy to use and does not cause irritation. Another variant is the Strike Liquid Mosquito Electric Repellent, which provides 40-day protection and can cover a 20-meter area. There is also the Strike Mat, which lasts for 8 hours and can cover a 12-ft area. Finally, there is Strike Patch for kids, which is made from 100% pure and natural essential oils and can last for 48 hours.
Strike variants can instantly help you get rid of mosquitoes without harming the environment, yourself, your pets, your plants or your furniture. They are also effective and very much affordable compared to other mosquito killing brands! Para iwas dengue at ZIka, Strike agad! /PN




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